Dr. Hillary French
Dr. Hillary French:
"Being part of The Bodin Group for the past 16 years has been an incredible experience for me. From the warm and wise mentoring of Miriam to the innovative leadership of Douglas, I have been able to grow personally and been able to serve hundreds of families and their students in our community and afar. Over the years, I have experienced the synergistic power of our team of Educational Consultants, Mentors, Psychologists, and support staff where where individual strengths are combined with the collective wisdom of an incredible group of professionals. I am so grateful to have worked with such an incredible group of leaders in our field.
In the next few weeks, I will have the opportunity to take the great experience, training, and insight afforded to me as an Educational Consultant at The Bodin Group and shift to where I will be serving an expanded group of clients as we ll as professionals as both clinician and a leader. This new role will allow me to develop services for clients in more community-based and short-term settings which are often under-developed or even missing entirely. To be able to incorporate some of the “magic” I have seen in a variety of treatment settings over the years is a dream come true.
My last day will be December 20, 2019, so please feel free to email me at hfrench@thebodingroup.com until then. I can be reached on my cell at (650) 281-6637 if you need to contact me after that date. My new professional email address will be coming out after the New Year.
With gratitude,
Hillary A. French, PsyD"
“Hillary’s departure will affect us deeply. We’ll miss her psychological insights, her collaborative spirit, and professional intensity, as well as her raunchy playfulness. We expect and hope to stay connected to her as both colleague and friend.”