The Bodin Group Holiday Newsletter 2019
Dr. Hillary French
A Fond Farewell
Dr. Hillary French:
"Being part of The Bodin Group for the past 16 years has been an incredible experience for me. From the warm and wise mentoring of Miriam to the innovative leadership of Douglas, I have been able to grow personally and been able to serve hundreds of families and their students in our community and afar. Over the years, I have experienced the synergistic power of our team of Educational Consultants, Mentors, Psychologists, and support staff where where individual strengths
Recommended Reading
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl
This recommendation comes from our Director of Mentoring, Hunter Shaw.
Hunter first read Man’s Search for Meaning when he was 16 years old in his wilderness program, as an assigned reading from an on-site therapist. This is the story of Viktor Frankl’s journey to manifest hope and meaning while surviving the toughest conditions in Nazi concentration camps. Frankl often echoes Friedrich Nietzsche's belief: "He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How." This mindset has remained key to Hunter throughout his ups and downs, and is embedded in our mission as Mentors to empower our youth in finding strength in their struggle. Needless to say, sharing this story with our youth can be a profound perspective opener when addressing one’s relationship with adversity.
The Bodin Group 2019 Spring Newsletter
Artaka Ross & Bodin Mentoring
This year Bodin was fortunate to come into contact with a bright young law student who has a remarkable life story. Artaka Ross was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Artaka faced hardships and difficulties that would make most feel life had it out for them.
Screen Use Specific Parent Coaching
Is your family experiencing increased negative effects of screen use at home?
Do you as a parent feel the need to spend some time gaining new perspectives, identifying goals and strategies and maybe challenge your current thinking or getting on the same page with a co-parent? Bodin’s Screen Use Specific Parent Coaching can help develop what feels like a healthier and more targeted approach moving forward, both with regard to content, time used and methods of supervision and restriction.
New Bodin Mentoring Employees
We have recently added new personnel to our Mentoring Team at The Bodin Group.
Check out our new page on College and Post-Secondary Counseling